There are so many different types of biscuit, it’s hard to decide on a favourite? Well, the nation has answered the question for you. Take a look at some of the top-ranking biscuits in the UK. One of them is debatable and it just so happens to be the most popular!
Tag Archive for: Snacks
If you haven’t be sure to get down to your local Micro Market, top up your Express Refreshments card and get your hands on these new products: Twix white, Maltesers buttons and Kinder Bueno white. These chocolate additions are perfect snacks for everyone around the office and make a great break time snack. So, what are you waiting for? Read more
We regularly add new products to our range for both our snack machines and Micro Markets. Coinadrink are committed to providing a diverse range for our customers, such is the importance of quality workplace refreshments throughout the day. Now, we are pleased to announce that the white KitKat Chunky is now available. Have you spotted it yet?
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We’re always on the lookout for new products to add into our snack machines, and are committed to mixing it up from time to time to keep your options fresh. Our criteria for selection is strict, however, and we only choose items that we believe our customers will love. At the moment, we are trialling a few new items: Scottish Fudge and Raspberry Coconut Ice courtesy of Lees.
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For some, Christmas began on the back end of Halloween. For others, they won’t even think about the holiday season till at least December 1st. For us at Coinadrink, we’re somewhere in the middle, and a new Christmas line is soon to hit our snack machines. Courtesy of Cadbury and Maltesers, it won’t be long before you can get your chocolate fix alongside a bit of festive fun!
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You’ll find it hard to find someone who doesn’t love a bit of chocolate. It is estimated that approximately 1 billion people eat it everyday, and the average European consumes 15 pounds of it every year! The reason for such admiration stems around a key chemical. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, which releases certain ‘pleasure’ endorphins in the brain that make us feel good all over. While chocolate is often regarded as a ‘guilty pleasure’, though, the 28th October is a time you can fill your face without the worry. This is because it’s one of the days that celebrates National Chocolate Day.
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For many of us, this is a day that many of us ought to have pencilled in to the calendar. Chocolate, crisps or cookies, the tasty treats are endless, and today is a day we can eat what we want without feeling the guilt that tags along with it. For those of you that have one of our inviting snack machines installed in the workplace, we’re sure that this will be music to your ears.
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Coinadrink have always strived to place the very best snacks from the very best brands into our machines, and our customers have always been happy with the variety on offer. Now, we’re sorry to say that you’ll face even more of a dilemma on your break, as two more delicious products are set to make themselves available; Joe and Sephs Gourmet Popcorn and Golden Wonder Ringo’s.
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Snacking has always been something we have enjoyed, and often acts as a fantastic pick me up during the day. Mrs Crimbles’ have been around in machines now for a while and provide tasty, baked snacks that you are sure to enjoy during the working day. What really makes them unique however is that these sumptuous treats are gluten free, meaning that everyone can enjoy them whenever they want.
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Micro Markets are here and they’re ready to re-shape your food-vending experience. From the leaders in healthy vending, they will provide a futuristic approach that again shows how far the industry has travelled over the years. Fresh Micro Markets are self-service, unattended machines that enable you to enjoy fresh, healthy choices in corporate locations suited to you. In short, they’re brilliant and Coinadrink are joining the hype with our new Express Refreshments market.
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Coinadrink Ltd
Units 10-11,
Maple Leaf Industrial Estate
Bloxwich Lane Walsall