Contrary to common belief, it is not just used coffee cups that have been causing an unsightly blight on our environment. With over 70 million cups of coffee being enjoyed in the UK every day, this can also lead to coffee ground waste, to which there are hundreds of thousands of tonnes each year.
And with most of this waste ending up in landfill, greenhouse gases such as methane are released. This is up to 28 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide.
We are proud to now share our partnership with First Mile. First Mile have been recycling used coffee grounds from businesses since 2015, creating a truly circular solution by turning these grounds into biofuels, biochemicals and coffee logs – a high performance substitute for imported wood and coal.
First Mile provided empty tote boxes to businesses that can hold up to 40 litres of used coffee grounds, before being collected and taken to their facility in Cambridgeshire. Recycling collections can be made up to three times a day, seven days a week. Utilising the services of First Mile can save up to 80% of CO2 emissions if they were instead sent to landfill.