• The Micro Market carries far more benefits than a traditional canteen...

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Why choose a Micro Market over a canteen?

If you have a larger workplace with a traditional canteen on site, it’s time to upgrade to a modern day on-site refreshment solution. One that delivers greater value, greater flexibility and greater peace of mind.

And if you are considering a traditional canteen, choose a Micro Market instead.

Make no mistake here, the Micro Market delivers genuine vending innovation that provides the future of the workplace canteen. Our Micro Market is designed to be the revolution in workplace refreshments. Once you have experienced the Micro Market, it will be very difficult to go back.

Learn more about why the Micro Market represents a compelling alternative if you’re considering a workplace canteen.

We are happy to help, discuss your options or answer any questions.

The Micro Market represents greater value than a canteen.

Greater value.

Because the Micro Market is unmanned, it is more flexible than a canteen with 24/7 availability.

More flexible.

The Micro Market is a lot more hygienic than a canteen with pre-packaged products and a rand open design that makes it easy to stagger break times and social distance.

More hygienic.

The Micro Market works with your additional services such as a vending machine or vending services.

Works with your existing facilities.

The Micro Market.


The Micro Market doesn’t need anyone to assume day to day control, so it’s one less person on the payroll.


Because the Micro Market is unmanned, refreshments are available 24 hours a day. This makes it a great option if your company operates shift patterns, for example.


The Micro Market can be as little or as large as you want it to be and it doesn’t require any additional space for things like cooking facilities.


The Micro Market is arguably one of the most hygienic workplace refreshment solutions around, with minimal touch points and a grand open design for social distancing.


We design the Micro Market to be completely personal to you, with your design, your space and even your branding!

The Traditional Canteen.


The canteen constantly needs a cashier assuming to day to day control and taking payment, so it’s an added cost.


A canteen does not offer this level of flexibility, so refreshments are only available when the canteen is open. This means your employees won’t always stay refreshed and productive.


The traditional workplace canteen will require a lot more space for prep areas.


The workplace canteen includes products that aren’t all pre-packaged, and the user will be required to come into contact with a casher to pay. Set opening times will also mean staff congregate together for break times.


The canteen isn’t your solution, you’re just paying for a third party company to deliver their set service to your business.

But it can work alongside your existing facilities…

Whilst the Micro Market does represent a valuable upgrade over a traditional workplace canteen, the Micro Market can be an equally great addition to your current facilities. So if your canteen arrangement is working well for you, you can just add to it with a Micro Market!

Add a couple of shelves to introduce extra products to your canteen offering or implement our payment terminal so you can offer your refreshments around the clock. The Micro Market is designed from the bottom up and no two are ever the same, so it’s completely unique to your business and your individual requirements.

You can even add a Micro Market to your existing vending services if you don’t want to replace what you already have from us.

The Micro Market doesn't have to be an upgrade from your canteen or vending services, it can actually complement what you already have.

We are happy to help, discuss your options or answer any questions.

Example Stores.

We have installed a variety of Micro Markets that are each tailored to our customers’ preferences. What would your ideal Micro Market look like?

Where would you like to go next?

We are happy to help, discuss your options or answer any questions.

© Copyright 2021 - Coinadrink Ltd (Refreshment Shop, Express Refreshments, Cafe Casa are trademarks of Coinadrink Ltd)
Coinadrink Ltd Unit 10-11 Maple Leaf Industrial Estate, Bloxwich Lane, Walsall, West Midlands, WS2 8TF Registered in England (870282)