K-Fee Twins II pod coffee machine

K-Fee Twins II

The K-Fee Twins II is a compact and versatile capsule pod coffee machine that can make a variety of milk-based drinks. It features a powerful 19-bar pressure pump and a 1-liter water tank. It can also prepare two drinks simultaneously.

The machine is compatible with a range of capsules, including K-Fee’s own capsules and popular brands such as Nespresso. It also features the integrated Lattaero milk frother for easy preparation of frothed milk.

The machine is easy to use and clean, making it a convenient option for coffee lovers who want a hassle-free experience in their workplace.

Features & Benefits

  • Prepare two drinks at once with dual functionality.
  • Pod coffee machines are extremely simple to use!
  • The 1.2 litre water tank is more than enough for small offices.
  • Automatic cleaning cycle ensures maximum hygiene and is easy to follow.
  • A sleek design is compact enough to fit in almost any space.
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Impressive capability.

This K-Fee Twins pod coffee machine is perfect for making barista-quality coffee drinks with fresh milk.

The machine features an integrated milk frother called LATTAERO, which creates milk foam at the touch of a button. It combines the benefits of the K-fee TWINS II pod coffee machine with the added benefit of the milk frother in one sleek design.

With the option to make both macrofoam and micro foam, as well as cold milk foam and hot milk, this machine offers full milk foam freedom for all your coffee drink needs.

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k-fee twins II pod coffee machine West Midlands

Little details that matter.

The pod coffee machine offers five functions, including small, medium, and large cup sizes, milk frothing, and rinse.

The water tank is removable, and the warm-up time is approximately 15 seconds. The machine also features programmable cup size and an integrated milk frother. It automatically switches off and ejects the used capsule for convenience.

Premium, practical, and smart.

The Twins II pod coffee machine is a stylish and practical coffee machine that combines high-quality materials with a sleek design.

The drip tray is adjustable, and it can accommodate mugs up to 15 centimetres tall when removed. Cleaning the milk frothing jug is easy due to its non-stick coating, and it is also dishwasher safe. The machine has a built-in display that alerts you when it requires descaling.

Additionally, you can program the machine to consider the water hardness in your area and the use of a water filter to reduce the frequency of descaling.

K-Fee One pod coffee machine pods

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