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What is the AVA?

The AVA, which is short for the Automatic Vending Association, is the official trading body of the entire vending industry across the UK. They help to promote and enhance the industry as well as to build a community of mutually interested members and users.

The AVA has been around for countless years and has largely made a difference to those who are associated. Without our membership at the AVA, we would not have been able to collaborate with as many businesses as we have over the years.

Coinadrink Limited is proudly part of the AVA!

How does this benefit you?

Being a part of the AVA has ensured that we have an industry voice and are able to let our views be heard. This ensures that if we need to address any concerns we may have, we can do so through advice from the AVA and fellow members.

We are also able to develop our support systems, knowledge and networking abilities. Due to our involvement with the AVA, we have been able to clearly demonstrate through our premium products and services, that we are among the best vending companies in the UK! 

automatic vending association
© Copyright 2021 - Coinadrink Ltd (Refreshment Shop, Express Refreshments, Cafe Casa are trademarks of Coinadrink Ltd)
Coinadrink Ltd Unit 10-11 Maple Leaf Industrial Estate, Bloxwich Lane, Walsall, West Midlands, WS2 8TF Registered in England (870282)